ii am no longer sick....
ii cnt believe it. ii am so damn happy. ii did nothing but play kingdom heart and watching movies.
thats my main squeeze from kingdom hearts. his name is riku. if he was a real person my boyfriend would be totally assed out. ii would leave him in a heartbeat for him. He's tall, myserious, and jst all around sexy. hes the main reason ii play kingdom hearts. jst so that ii can get a look at him. ii mean sure ii get so mad that ii want to throw my game controler at the tv screen. but riku makes up for it....dnt u think??
ii mean ii had no idea video game characters can jst be ssssssooooo damn sexy.....*sigh* if ii saw him in person im not sure what ii would do. or if ii saw sum hot guy cos-playing him....HOLY CRAP!! ii would jump on him....but ii havent found a hot cos-play of riku....its so sad......=[ but oh wells