this is the car ii want....in this color....this is my new baby....it's a porchse 911 turbo.
it's the same car alice from twilight has....
and ii want this so bad...it goes so damn fast...
and this car is jst SEXY!!!
ii plan on gettin this once im out of college. ii will do anything ii need to do to get this...ii jst could nvr believe cars could be this sexy. its jst amazing. ii nvr really care much about cars but when i say this i could help but want this car so bad. when ii read abt it in the book ii was like that sounds sexy. and then ii saw the pic and ii fell to the floor cuz of how sexy it is. even was dad was amazed that ii would like a car like this. and he looked at me and was like damn....thats pretty awesome. ii really jst hope that ii do get this car. it will make me a happy panda....ii jst cnt believe how much ii love this car.....makes me smile everytime ii see it....first car that can ever make me do this...
aaaahhhh!!! so hot...
0 hate mails....XD:
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