so in class ii get to learn abt sumthing that means a lot to me. gay rights and the whole gay marriage issue. as of now gay arent allowed to get married thanks to a little thing Prop 8. It's amazing what the people for prop 8 pull out of there butts. They use the children sayin that its not right to teach children that 2 ppl of the same sex loving eachother is right. ii managed to find 2 web pages one against prop. 8 and the other against it. ii oculdnt believe how different each one was. For me it was an eye opener how ignorant some people can be. Last night I saw the funniest and most true video ever. It was called prop 8 the musical and it had a bunch of stars that are against prop 8 and showing just how ignorant the government can be. ii say that part that was the most true had to be when jack black came out as jesus and told the government that they can't use the bible as a way to stop gay marriage because they created a law against putting religion and state together. all together that video really was a great overview of what they're trying to do in cali. and whats goin on with that.
0 hate mails....XD:
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