say hello to ms. Juliet Simms.
the really pretty lead singer of the awesomely amazing band
Automatic Loveletter.
she sings the amazing song that is posted below this.
she plays guitar and sounds so damn great live...
not to mention she has a song with All Time Low!!
Her voice is jst amazing..if ii could be like anyone...ii would be like her.
shes so damn pretty and shes jst amazing...
ii <33>
her voice is also unique. she has this raspy tone
and its jst so pretty because of the amount high notes she hit.
if ii saw her live..ii think ii would have a heartattack.
but shes jst awesome...
and ii kno so many people that ii have shown her
and they all say she looks good..
*falls to the floor*
aww man....
shes hot....XD
0 hate mails....XD:
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