Friday, January 30, 2009

cat food!! my mom came home...and wanted to make food..
she looked through our cabinets and finally found tuna....smh
ii hate the smell of tuna. makes me kinda sick.
butzz mom opened it and was like "mmmm catfood...."
and ii looked at her and started laughin...
10 minutes later my dad came into the kitchen
and was like "yummy cat food" ii started laughin,
my mom turned around and told him "screw you both"
me and my dad started laughin again.
5 minutes later my sister walked into the kitchen
im doing dishes, my dad is lookin for sumthin to munch on
and my mom is finishin her sammich.
my sister comes in and says "eww why does it smell like cat food??"
me and my dad looked at my mom and started sister had no idea
what was goin on and was askin what was so funny.
my mom turned around and said "screw you all ii swear"
ii started laughin harder and so did my dad..and then my sister
stormed off cuz she had no idea what was going on
my mom finished her sammich and jst walked out...
and then ii was alone again...TT_TT

0 hate mails....XD: